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Dr. Shamaine Giron
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Posted May 13th, 2023 / Community, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. Shamaine Giron

The Way Your Teeth Meet: Overbite Edition

Do you know the status of your occlusion? That’s the technical term used to describe the way your maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth align. If you happen to have a bite that doesn’t connect quite right—or at all—it’s referred to as a malocclusion.  You might ask yourself, “Well, I can eat and speak without […]

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Posted April 27th, 2023 / Community, Dental Health, Patient Care
Dr. Shamaine Giron

Are Baby Bottles Bad for Baby Teeth?

Tooth decay in infants and very young children is often called baby bottle tooth decay. This happens when liquids with natural or artificial sugars remain in an infant’s mouth for extended periods of time. Bacteria in the baby’s mouth thrive on these sugars, using them to produce acids that attack the teeth and gums. Today, […]

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Posted April 13th, 2023 / Community, Dental Health
Dr. Shamaine Giron

What’s Lurking in Your Saliva?

Saliva. Just the word can conjure an array of images in your imagination. From salivating at a delicious meal to studying Pavlov’s dogs to watching a baseball player spit, life is full of saliva! And that’s a good thing because saliva is very important for oral and overall health. Problems with saliva can lead to […]

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Posted March 16th, 2023 / Community, Dental Health
Dr. Shamaine Giron

Why are Baby Teeth so Important?

Since baby teeth are temporary, many parents assume baby teeth aren’t important. If ABQ Dentistry and Wellness finds a cavity in a primary tooth it’s no biggie – after all it will fall out. While this thinking is understandable, it is an out-of-date way to understand pediatric oral health. Cavities…the basics According to the American […]

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